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Stephanie Ruedin,
Bachelor Student,EHL

I very much enjoyed this course and it has inspired me to start my own company one day. The process is very interesting and will definitely serve me in the future.


Mojtaba Rezaei
Chemical Engineer, EPFL

My team and I had a great time elevating our entrepreneurial skills and polishing our business idea!


Afonso Bravo
PHD Student, UNIL

This course allowed me to enter into a cutting edge business market, whilst allowing me to meet an amazing team from a completely different background. I learnt how to be more creative with how I present my current skills in a business context, and get a grasp for how the business world operates.


Antoine Delgoffe

I enjoyed the program and my team very much. Valuable insights to approach methodically the conception of a start-up. All provided by a well-balanced group of coaches with relevant backgrounds. Good focus on team building and practical skills. The gained experience was directly applicable to my start-up project.


Nour Ghalia Abassi,
Data Scientist

Innosuisse is a complete entrepreneurial program, in which you learn several transversal skills. The trainings are quite diversified and for technical profiles who want to start their own business it is the ideal program. It introduces you to most of the aspects that a person has to think about before starting a business.


Marija Petrovic
PhD Student, Biopharmacy

Seeing my parents being entrepreneurs all their life, it seemed as a mission impossible for me to continue the same path. However, having the great amount of support over Innosuisse Business Concept program changed my mind, as you’re never alone as a business founder.



The Innosuisse training offers a valuable and inclusive opportunity for professionals aspired to become entrepreneurs to get hands on skills and a pathway to kick start with a market-driven business concept.


Nenad Bijelic
Postdoctoral Researcher, EPFL

I really liked this training A LOT! In particular, the emphasis on teamwork and "getting out of the building" to pursue and learn from potential customers was a fantastic experience. I also liked the great community of people taking the course together as well as the awesome set of instructors, mentors, and trainers. The organizers are doing an amazing job and having access to this type of opportunity and support at EPFL is really tremendous. I highly recommend this course to people that are curious about the start-up ecosystem and learning about the components that are involved in launching a company. Finally, a huge thank you to Innosuisse for supporting this activity!


Martina Lihter
Postdoctoral Researcher, EPFL

The most special thing about this course was being surrounded by young enthusiasts, full of inspiration, visions and creative ideas, and watching their projects grow in fully supportive community of great mentors and experts.

Contact us


+41 21 353 80 32


Fondation EPFL Innovation Park, Bâtiment C
CH-1015 Lausanne

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